Thursday, October 14, 2010

a long, overdue update

sorry, it's been a long while.
haven't been bothered blogging lately, to be honest but yeah, here I am.
so, what has happened over the past few weeks I hear you might ask?
not too much at all, the usual studies, exams, 2 week break filled with work, gossipgirl, mr. bean marathons, the perth royal show, the beach, retail therapy, &basically, overall, chillaxing.
jake's 18th is coming up this saturday &i will be going to carousel later tonight to get his present, the weekend after is lils 16th &we're all pitching in to get her her present too. so many birthdays and events are coming up in the next few months, and there are only these last few months before the end of 2010 and before we know it, it'll be a brand new year, with me and jake's 1 year anniversary to look to, christmas, & new years. only something ridiculously short, like four weeks of my diploma to go. i've got to do well, stick it through the end for just another short bit &i'll be indulging in &rewarded with a good summer break. the family, myself along with a few friends are planning to head up north somewhere to just get out of town maybe over christmas to just spend some much needed quality time together and just take in and enjoy the scenery. besides that, there's not much else i can say for now. will update you soon enough on how everything works out in the next few, if i'm motivated enough to blog again anytime soon. it was a pleasure updating. laters

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The fragment of hope at the end of the rainbow

"I lied when I told you I forgot. I know it doesn't seem like a big thing but I wanted to tell you the truth and never, ever lie to you. Because that's how it starts."

so, this was on our way to mandurah. we saw the end of the rainbow &unfortunately for us we couldn't find the pot of gold :(

do you see it just there, up ahead? it's the end of the rainbow:o)!

& we drove past it too! :)))

'Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting that they won't. Love is giving someone the ability to hurt you, but trusting them not to.'
I trust you, I do with all my heart.

k, it's been a while but this'll be just a quicky today, 'cos i really, really should be studying right now- with my 5 exams coming up in the next two weeks :( wish me luck!
yeah &the above are some photos we took of the end of the rainbow we saw on our way to mandurah! :*)

Sweep everyrhing under the rug, and eventually it will trip you up
and the fall would be far greater than what it intially would have been.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The best we ever had

"And though you may not imagine what I was like, I did live. More importantly, I loved."

Why do I get the feeling that I've fallen short of, and disappointed your expectations sometimes? :(

"Only because it's so raw and real. Soon I'll just be a series of images that flash through your mind, when you least expect it. And after that, only a few will stay. Then, one. A memory of a memory."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm okay, I always have been

I like to believe that I'm stronger than this, sometimes.

This was taken after I got home from tafe today.
I was trying to pretend that I wasn't exhausted or heaps tired.

Hello, hello, how are we? :)

So I've come home from tafe just reccently with quite a headache and daa freaking aching back and am currrently being confronted by mountain of essays, piling up so high it's improssible for them to not be toppling over!

I've got to get them all done and out of the way so I dont have to stress about them whilst camping at mandurah this weekend!
Anyway, I might update about my experience at camp when I get back, if I have time or feel like it!

I'm off to hit the books now!
La-la-la-laters! :)

Nobody said it would be easy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

'Cause you had a bad day

I am bored.
Work today was stupid.
You know what?
Customers aren't always right.
Noone can ever be ALWAYS right!
So whoever the hell thought of that, can take it, shove it up their pipe and smoke it!
Man, I shouldn't be bored right now 'cause I've got more than enough untouched assignment to be done but here I am, blogging.
Gah, I feel old :'(
I've only just turned 18 this year and here I am thinking I might have back problems and the rest of it.
It might have something to do with the way I sit.
Did I mention? I have such greaaat posture!
I'm such an unorganised person and it does show in the way I write.
I write in no real order and of things here and there.
Yeah, anyway this is one of them pointless sort of posts, for the sake of updating and to compensate for the lack in updates.
Heh, er 'kay.. &that is all.

I've noticed I always finish with 'til next time' so ima break the routine and end in
k, bye!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This is how you remind me, of who I really am

I know, I know, it's been a while...
For anyone that might find any particular interest or enjoyment in reading this , for I wouldn't have a clue why.. I apologise for the delays in/not updating.
Yes, just so you know, I haven't completely fallen off the face of the world.

Here are some pictures for you :)

ze boyfriend's jumpiour :)
yeah, don't mind us
we're only just fully making out here
oh my, what crooked teeth you have,
all tha better to eat you with
You know, I like it from behind
Mm aah mm ooh yeah baby
I promise to not take your ear off, if you promise that you'll stay?:)
Jake and Felicia
Pictures taken on the 3rd of August 2010 (which was yesterday) on Felicia's dodge lappy camera

I've really got to start freaking studying, really. Yes and so I apologise in advance for the lack of updates in the near future (so, for maybe for the next 3 or so week) So yes, this is just a quick shoutout to let you's all know that I'm still alive, well and breathing.

'Til next time!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Because it made me smile

Falling bit behind on the workload atm, now that've started sem2.
But nonetheless, a quick update, cause it's been a whil
Hopefully you would've been like 'oh what? uh, duh!'
Aha :')
'Til next time:)

Friday, July 16, 2010

This could be nothing, but I'm willing to give it a try


Hello all!
I'm rather bored and am pretty much just updating for the sake of updating.
Seeing Jake t'night! :)
Might go back to his place and just chill.
So yes, how are we?
Although the holidays, for me have been quite boring, I've had a pretty good, chillaxing past few days and'll be back on my way to starting semester 2, pretty soon in the next week:)
What can I say? I'm actually quite looking forward to learning about law of torts and the rest of it.
Must be a good thing, right?

So it's winter at the moment and apparently that's when we tend to eat/ put on more because our bodies need the fuel to burn and keep us warm with and so on and so forth...
So, just recently I decided that I want to start working out again to get in better shape
&yes easier said than done because I've thought this for quite some time now.
But to be honest, every time I've thought this, I go into a phase with eating healthy, exercising for about two weeks or something and then fall out of it and then back into again and right back out ;/
But yesterday I put it to action and realised just how un-fit I've become...
Before I could even manage more than 50 sit-ups, I realised that I had to remind myself to not forget to breathe ;x
I forgot how much working out freaking hurts and kills but man, if I want results I've got to keep at it right?
So yeah, hopefully, that's what I'll do.
Stick it through.
Yeah, haven't got much else right now so um numnum, yeah:)
'Til next time! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Sleepless nights.
Tossing and turning.
Lack of sleep.
Positively tired.
Sleep deprivation.
But you make it all okay...:)

So. How is everyone's holiday's going so far?
(for those that are on holidays, sorry for those that are not)
Going over her boys t'night for dinner, &to just chill before the start of next semester.
We're going to maybe bake a cake and might watch 'the invention of lying':o) yay!
Yeah, that's all I got:)
'Til next time!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


had both dim sum and 'all you can eat' buffet dinner at the greyhounds today.
i wonder sometimes, how much more weight i want to put on

ah yes, i just wanted to post this before i forget.
i got bangs:)
but i cut it too short so it currently looks fugly,
&yay for an erruption of breakouts!
my skin is really not treating me very well and hating me at the moment
nonetheless, here are some photo's..

so um, old hair

new hair, well fringe &i dyed it darker to get rid of my highlights

the random longlish but to the side was the length i orginally got it cut to but still thought it was a bit long &decided to fix it myself. bad mistake, i should have learnt by now but it's like i never seem to. i felt th need to cut it shorter cause it was sitting over my eyes and now it's too short.

so yeah, i'm kinda like waiting for it to grow back.

that's it for now.
'til next time:)

You don't have to weather the storm alone

You're all talk, nothing ever gets done
'Always talking, nothing doing.'
Mr Jake Chong

(add an asian accent onto that and there you have, almost a perfect quote) :o)Miss Felicia Poh,

You are a forgetful one. You need to write things down constantly to remember things. You write to yourself quite some bit to remind yourself how the your week was, anything new you've learnt and what you've been up to recently. The above print was put there for a reason. It was put there because it expresses perfectly how you've been feeling over the past week. Felicia, it's okay, everyone has their insecurities. You just need to not let yours get in the way of things. You know Jake loves you for who you are, that he won't ever let you down, he'll catch you when you fall, he calls you back when you hang up on him, is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you and'll practically do anything to show how much you mean to him. So then why have you been so worried and insecure just recently? It's because you're worried that your past and a certain karma will catch up with you and because you trust in him so much, you are just so on edge, worried and cautious that he might be the one to disappoint you and let you down, when you least expect it and you don't expect it is why you're worried. Don't worry, Jake is nothing but good for you and him hurting you would be the last thing to worry about. He's always been there and always will be there to reassure you. You have nothing in the world to worry about.

A second thing, over the past 7 months, you slowly realise that you have had a change in attitude and the way you think things. You have been thinking more so positively and optimistically rather than 'never' and 'it is impossible'. It is no coincidence that these influences have occurred over the period of time where a certain someone has stepped into your life and influenced changes over you, for the better. It would make perfect sense then to say that you owe special thanks to that certain somebody. That certain somebody would be Jake. Stay in my life okay? 7 months and still counting... This isn't for the sake of just another teenage relationship. You're serious about the two of you. You want it to work and know that it will with the co-operation from both parties, it will. Try not to deny your feelings. He means more to you than you could ever express to him but you can always try. Sometimes, you don't get a second chance at things so don't screw it up. Trust that you'll always be there for one another, as you will. Share your feelings with him, you know that he'll always be there to listen so don't hide things. If you feel a certain way, just say so, he will not look at you any differently, he will not judge. You and I both know that, so don't make it so difficult.

Another thing, dad and you have never been close and probably never will be. You've learnt now that he will always discourage you and that doesn't mean that in the time left, you should give up or not try to make an effort to make amends. This is probably his way to get you to pick yourself up and throw yourself even higher, to prove him wrong and it works. You've always managed to do it, every time he looks you down. You should have gotten used to and grown accustomed to this by now, you haven't and might not ever but maybe you don't have to. Maybe you just need to learn and remember that that was the way he was raised, that was what he was taught and that is how he expresses his feelings, quite strangely. You need to stop thinking that the difference between the two of you are too great and that there is no room for improvement. You know that it's the mentality, so if you think like that, there won't be. As for your mum, you both are always, always constantly bickering, fighting, fighting and fighting. You need to put a stop to this. Stop bickering. You need to hear what each other have to say and work out your mis-understandings. It is easier said than done but who's to say that you can't start trying? One day, your parents won't be around anymore to set you straight on your path and guide you through. You know this, that this day will come around, is why you need to start learning now to be independent and to start relying more on yourself. Make the most of your time with them and appreciate the things they do for you while they're still around. They may not always be right and you know that but they only want what's best. No parent would want something that's not good for their child.

You might not be able to do a lot about how you feel but you sure as hell can do something about the way you act. Sometimes you need to fall to learn what's right, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. Let go of the past, you can't change it. Live in the present and work towards the future. Stop thinking you'll just 'go with the flow.' don't be always taking chances. What if the flow just left off to nowhere, really? Don't wander around aimlessly, with no goal, no dream, no provision, no future to look to. Know what you want, know what you're going to have to do to get it and work hard, put in solid effort and work towards it. You can and will do better this semester. I'm just going to say it loud and clear now so that it is cemented in your head. Lastly, don't forget to smile and keep smiling. 'Never let success get to your head and your failures get to your heart.'

With love,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You make a substantial point, however, your mum

'You can make the world beautiful, just by refusing to lie about it.'
'When sadness was the sea, you were the ones that taught me to swim'
Sometimes, there is no second chance. Think, you've only got one shot at it, do it well.
Yay for very charming, unsleezy looks!
un-speded moments

Hello hello, how are we?

I have a feeling this is going to be just another rather unorganised post of mumbo-jumbo, just of jotting down thoughts, feelings and things that have happened over this past week.

It feels good to type with my real, natural nails &not them fake, manicure, acrylic nails I had on for my 18th :)

Yes, so. What's new?

Finally and about time, I got my L's! (this was yesterday) and now have no excuses to keep delaying learning how to drive. I'll just think of it this way, it'll be easier for me to get around. Just please, please, please give me my mum's driving skills and not my dads! thankyou.
To bang or not to bang the fringe?
That is the question...

Hm, for a while now, I've realised, that I am good at putting on acts because sometimes that's all you can do in life, plaster on a fake smile and stick it through but you know what, Jake has taught me that this isn't good for me. It's better to be who you really are, express how you really feel and just be yourself. I mean afterall, we're all only human, so what we feel, other probably have felt too right? It's okay to have feelings or a set of emotion, we're not robots.
Yes, yes so I think that is all.
I might go change my hair now.
'Til next time:)

If I can't set a good example, learn from my mistakes