Monday, August 16, 2010

The best we ever had

"And though you may not imagine what I was like, I did live. More importantly, I loved."

Why do I get the feeling that I've fallen short of, and disappointed your expectations sometimes? :(

"Only because it's so raw and real. Soon I'll just be a series of images that flash through your mind, when you least expect it. And after that, only a few will stay. Then, one. A memory of a memory."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm okay, I always have been

I like to believe that I'm stronger than this, sometimes.

This was taken after I got home from tafe today.
I was trying to pretend that I wasn't exhausted or heaps tired.

Hello, hello, how are we? :)

So I've come home from tafe just reccently with quite a headache and daa freaking aching back and am currrently being confronted by mountain of essays, piling up so high it's improssible for them to not be toppling over!

I've got to get them all done and out of the way so I dont have to stress about them whilst camping at mandurah this weekend!
Anyway, I might update about my experience at camp when I get back, if I have time or feel like it!

I'm off to hit the books now!
La-la-la-laters! :)

Nobody said it would be easy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

'Cause you had a bad day

I am bored.
Work today was stupid.
You know what?
Customers aren't always right.
Noone can ever be ALWAYS right!
So whoever the hell thought of that, can take it, shove it up their pipe and smoke it!
Man, I shouldn't be bored right now 'cause I've got more than enough untouched assignment to be done but here I am, blogging.
Gah, I feel old :'(
I've only just turned 18 this year and here I am thinking I might have back problems and the rest of it.
It might have something to do with the way I sit.
Did I mention? I have such greaaat posture!
I'm such an unorganised person and it does show in the way I write.
I write in no real order and of things here and there.
Yeah, anyway this is one of them pointless sort of posts, for the sake of updating and to compensate for the lack in updates.
Heh, er 'kay.. &that is all.

I've noticed I always finish with 'til next time' so ima break the routine and end in
k, bye!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This is how you remind me, of who I really am

I know, I know, it's been a while...
For anyone that might find any particular interest or enjoyment in reading this , for I wouldn't have a clue why.. I apologise for the delays in/not updating.
Yes, just so you know, I haven't completely fallen off the face of the world.

Here are some pictures for you :)

ze boyfriend's jumpiour :)
yeah, don't mind us
we're only just fully making out here
oh my, what crooked teeth you have,
all tha better to eat you with
You know, I like it from behind
Mm aah mm ooh yeah baby
I promise to not take your ear off, if you promise that you'll stay?:)
Jake and Felicia
Pictures taken on the 3rd of August 2010 (which was yesterday) on Felicia's dodge lappy camera

I've really got to start freaking studying, really. Yes and so I apologise in advance for the lack of updates in the near future (so, for maybe for the next 3 or so week) So yes, this is just a quick shoutout to let you's all know that I'm still alive, well and breathing.

'Til next time!