Monday, May 3, 2010

Once upon a time, it really didn't matter

"If you are a Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to get to heaven; you are a citizen of heaven making your way through this world."

It's been a year since I've actually last blogged. I thought I might revive my blog as a way to record my thoughts, feelings, to make a note of where I am in life and just write about anything, really. I'm going to try for the whole motivational post because I think it could be what you and I might need at the moment. Okay, so today I learnt that in the real world, it really is no pain, no gain. If you don't put in the effort, don't expect to get results. That's with everything, really. You can apply that to everything you do in life. So what do you expect to get out of it all? What do you expect to see when you actually do try? We have a tendency to "try" for a while, and then when we do not see quick results we stop trying, which is probably what got us into trouble in the first place.

A person may strike a rock ninety-nine time upon the ground, and there may be no evidence at all that the rock is cracking. Then on the one hundredth time, it may split in half. Each blow was weakening the stone even though there was no signs to indicate it.

So the changes in life you ask, since our last encounter?
My 2009 consisted of graduating and therefore surviving highschool, not taking school seriously yet I still passed, learning a great deal about the different types of relationships, being in and out of a long term relationship, attending the year 12 ball, starting and ending friendships, realising that trust is way easier to lose than to gain, gaining trust, then losing it, going our seperate ways, having the security of being in highschool kicked out from under us, entering the real world, going overseas at the end of the year to singapore with family and friends, having multiple break-downs due to being a teenager, haywired with emotions, ditching myspace for facebook, becoming a fan of and joining way too many facebook groups, becoming sleep-deprived and nocturnal, partying like an animal, being mentally and emotionally insecure and unstable, having an ample amount of good and bad times, laughing til I cried, rolling my ankle so bad while dancing around selling chocolates with my sister that my mum had to drive out to get me, crying and laughing at once, getting in trouble, falling into unhealthy eating habits and balancing friends, family, school and work.

It's only the start of the year, and already I feel that I'm at good place in life right now. I have reccently just started building and developing my religious beliefs. I feel that I have a better mentality, am in a better emotional state, feeling more motivated, determined and overall feeling much better than I did last year. I'm thinking that most of this would be because of a very special person that has always been there to support me through the good and the bad. I have a lot to be thankful for. I would really like to get back into healthier and better eating and sleeping habits, put in the effort to except to see results, with friends, education, family, study and work hard, grow to become a more positive, better and stronger person, hurdle over obstacles that are put in my way, in life, not let what people think or say get to me as much or at the least, get me down, I would like to improve on and develop my social and writing skills, help someone that is maybe less fortunate than I am, I have made new friends, kept old ones and would like to continue to make things work with the family and being able to balance everything from school to friends to family.

Yes, okay i've run out of things. I honestly can't think of anything else worthwhile mentioning right now, so until next time! if there is one. :)


  1. Why does everyone think that to gain one must first experience pain? I don't fully agree with that, one does not have to experience heartache or injuries to gain. Sure you do gain through pain but you can also gain through happiness.

    And for your resolutions I'll try to help motivate you and make sure you stick to them =p

    I'll always be here for you no matter what, I'll always look after you if your sick, I'll keep you company if you pull an all nighter, and I'll always be here for you when you need to talk.

    iloveyoufelicia forever and always <3

  2. You'll have to know what hurt feels like to know the feeling of success, of happiness. Remember when i said i'd rather be numb and not feel a thing? I remember you telling me that you'd rather have feelings than feel nothing at all because even when you feel sadness anger or rejection, you know that that you're only human. That on the contrary to these emotions, there is happiness, peace, serenity. That there is enough beauty to counteract that. So what I'm trying to say is that once upon a time, when that feeling of hurt might have been a friend of yours, once you accomplish success or happiness, the feeling of that is twice as good.

    But yes, thank you. You have been good to me, better than I deserve. Thanks you for always being there for me, you are my anti-depressants when i'm feeling down, my red creaming soda or energy boost when i'm feeling exhausted, my source of motivation when i'm feeling un-motivated, my painkiller to numb the pain, my sunshine after the rain and the pot of gold on the otherside of the rainbow, when i get to see you, after a long day.

    I love you, forever and always.

  3. I understand and I hope that you change your answer and would rather have feelings than feel nothing at all, to not feel sadness and pain would be bliss but you would also not feel love, happiness, warmth from others.

    Also I do not agree with you that I have been good to you, better than you deserve. You deserve the best, to be treated with respect, a girl as special as you deserves everything in this world you, your kind, caring, beautiful on the inside and outside. When I'm down and I see your smile it always seems to cheer me up. When i hear you laugh I can't help but to also laugh. When I see you my day just gets better, you solemnly are the most important girl in my life single handedly and I would do anything for you just say the word. you mean so much to me and I will love you for all eternity.

    To felicialiqipoh, the girl who stole my heart and will forever have my heart <3

  4. I do change my answer from what I thought previously. And although I can act sometimes, like everything's okay, but I'd rather believe that I am only human than an empty shell that feels nothing at all.

    Why do you not agree that you have been good to me? Have you not? I don't have to put on an act around you, it's nice to feel comfortable with being myself. To know that you have seen me at my worst, you tell me I look beautiful when I look like a mess, you know when something bothers me even when I hide it well and you worry like it's the end of the world.

    I love you, my silly boy. :)

  5. iloveyouwithallmyheartfelicia

  6. Aren't you two the cutest.

  7. Well please don't believe that your an empty shell that feels nothing at all. You are far from that. I meant that i do not agree that I have been better to you better than you deserve.

    It's true though that you are beautiful all the time (: and it might not seem like the end of the world to you but when something bothers you, IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD TO ME! I'll always love you

    love your silly boy :)
